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Pet Grief Support


Pet Loss Support Numbers:

  • C.A.R.E. Pet Loss Helpline: (877) 394-2273 The C.A.R.E. Helpline is staffed by veterinary students who have received training from grief counselors. They also receive supervision from a licensed psychologist.

  • ASPCA Pet Loss Hotline: (877) GRIEF-10

  • The Iams Pet Loss Support Center & Hotline: (888) 332-7738 Monday thru Saturday, 8am to 8pm

Remembering our pets, Pet Memorial

We strive to hold annual pet memorials annually, previous memorials have focused on Thanksgiving, or spring with a butterfly release! It was a wonderful time of sharing and connecting with others, in remembering our special pets that have passed on. As always, this event was free and open to all. Creature Comfort Clinic LLC matched donations to our local shelter....Together we raise funds for shelter animals!