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New Year's Advice from Dr. Christina's pet's and family pets


Welcome to the Creature Comfort Care Blog.  "Adventures in Veterinary Care"

New Year's Advice from Dr. Christina's pet's and family pets

Christina Lehner

Journey on carefully…you never know who might be out on the road!


Everybody gets upset sometimes...try to control your anger and frustration 

Try not to pig out everyday...but INDULGE once in a while!

Remember to get plenty of exercise

...And water

Cozy Up!  ...better yet, with Someone you Love

Don't fret over a bad haircut...

...or Bad Day.   Sometimes it really is best to go Incognito

Even on the worst of days, Your purr-sonality will light up the room if you let it! 

Above all else, remember life is precious & sweet!  Stop to smell those roses and bask in the sun!