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Welcome to the Creature Comfort Care Blog.  "Adventures in Veterinary Care"

A Memorial to "Jasper": Rescued from a puppy mill in Arkansas...his story is a miracle!

Christina Lehner

jasper run.jpeg

󾬓 "Jasper" was rescued by a wonderful family, from the back hills of Arkansas where there was a huge puppy mill, and all the dogs lived in utter muck.  There was no human socialization, the dogs bred to each other and weekly carcasses and wonder bread were thrown over the fence to them.   "Jasper" and his fellow dog friends were in real trouble when a drought hit AK.  Many didn't make it and died, the rest of the dogs that did were stunted in growth due to malnourishment.  All were fearful of humans, not knowing humans can be loving.  Thankfully the authorities found out and did something to help.  

Here is his story as told by his family:

"Jasper was born on the bad end of town.  
His father died young.  His mother was drowned.

The boneyard were Jasper and other dog's lived on the puppy mill

The boneyard were Jasper and other dog's lived on the puppy mill

Jasper sired babies year after year.  He lived back on a mountain with pain and in fear.  

When Jasper was rescued!

When Jasper was rescued!

Jasper got rescued around about two.  He came to Wisconsin.  He ate, slept and grew.

He learned about loving and trusting and treats.  He ran in the fields.  He got walks down the streets.

Until he lost battles to cancer and age.  Then he howled in pain.

So we gave him a leg up to a place with relief.  Now he’s playing in heaven and resting in peace  󾀍
RIP little guy. We love you and miss you!"